
Monday, December 16, 2013

If you haven't seen this one already... it's worth a look!

The marketing folks at WestJet are a crafty bunch.  They keep coming up with these amazing ideas and this year was no exception. The resulting video has once again gone viral which isn't surprising given their track record.

The WestJet Christmas Miracle video shows a great example of what you can build using basic interactive tools.  I am talking about the "Santa kiosk" that lets passengers chat with jolly old St. Nick.

There is nothing earth shattering here.  A large flat panel display, a couple of speakers, a webcam, etc... not much more than what you'll find in your average kiosk. The lesson here?  It's not about the technology...  It's all about the story.

When designing your next kiosk or interactive installation, take a step back and think of the narrative.  Think of the story.  Think of opportunities to engage your audience and involve them in the story.

Otherwise you risk ending up with nothing more than a "dumb" terminal.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Seenspire now offers single Holiday clips

Seenspire is now offering their professionally designed Holiday animations as individual clips.    You no longer have to purchase an entire subscription.  Just pick and choose the clips that are relevant to your location and Seenspire will customize the content for you. This is great news if you're in a country that doesn't celebrate major US or EU Holidays.

Pricing has been set at $149 US per individual clip.  You get the same quality and customized content without the commitment.  Professionally rendered content personalized and delivered onlime.

Interested parties should contact Seenspire.

Check out this link for more details.

*Disclaimer: Seenspire is a client and partner.